Archive | November, 2009

Lots Going On {recipe: quick oatmeal cookie drops}

4 Nov

I have been making and eating things in the past month that have been quick and filling…not so much things that I am extremely proud of or want to share with you 🙂 Quesadillas, chili, soups, pasta, and frozen pizza have reigned our dinner menus, and, sadly, packaged halloween candy and Blue Bell ice cream have been my treat.

Today, I eat a few M&Ms from the package sitting on the kitchen table. I notice on the front of the package there’s a little graphic that reads CALORIES – 210: 11%DV. For a minute, I toy with the thought of just eating nine bags of M&Ms today and calling it a day. I figure that is a lot of artificial food coloring and dismiss the thought, heading to the pantry to figure out what to put together quickly for today’s lunches. Then, its back to other things to think about:

Some of our friends are in the hospital, at 23 weeks pregnant and holding fast to hope for their little baby. Others just got the daughter from Haiti that they adopted years ago, beautiful but difficult. We’re helping lead a class about marriage, also wonderful, but discussion is heavy, at times.

My personal list is decidedly more trivial…refinish the dresser in the nursery, clean out the closets, organize the freezer, cook. Those things aren’t really happening.

I did make these cookies though, they are quick and soft and the whole-wheat flour makes me feel better about the frozen pizza we keep having for dinner.

Quick Oatmeal Cookie Drops

adapted from Homesick Texan

3/4 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 T. vanilla
3 cups oats
1 cup whole-wheat flour (use white if it’s all you have)
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350.

Cream together butter, sugar and egg.

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

Place place 1.5-inch scoops of dough on  a greased cookie sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes.